(Aml gamweddau dyn) Pwy a deall ei gamweddau? Pwy fynega'r rhai'n i gyd? Myrdd o honynt sydd guddiedig, Heblaw'r miloedd wêl y byd; Duw, glanhâ fi'n llwyr oddiwrthynt, Adnewydda fi â'th ras; A rho rym i fwrw ymaith Bob rhyfygus bechod cas. Pob ymadrodd ddêl o'm genau, Pob myfyrdod dan fy mron, Fyddo mwy yn gymmeradwy, Arglwydd grasol, ger dy fron: Ti yw Craig fy iechydwriaeth, Dal fi fynu tra fwy' byw; Ti yw Prynwr drud fy enaid, Dwg fi'r nefoedd, O fy Nuw! Cas. o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831 [Mesur: 8787D]
Gwelir: |
(The manifold transgressions of man) Who shall understand his transgressions? Who shall express all of them? A myriad of them are hidden, Apart from the thousands the world sees; God, cleanse me completely from them, Renew me with thy grace; And give me power to cast away Every presumptuous, detestable sin. Every utterance that comes from my mouth, Every meditation under my breast, Be evermore acceptable, Gracious Lord, before thee: Thou art the rock of my salvation, Hold me up while ever I live; Thou art the dear Redeemer of my soul, Bring me to heaven, O my God! tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion |